
About Expert
Witness Assessments

I offer assessments and reports as an expert witness mostly within the family court arena. My specialism is working with children who have experienced trauma, their families, and the professionals around them.

I have extensive experience working within children’s social care and have completed training provided by Bond Solon which makes me well placed to offer a high standard of service to the legal profession.


Areas of Expertise

  • Psychological assessments of parents and children at all stages of the child protection pathway.

  • Cognitive assessments of children, young people, and adults.

  • Assessments of looked after children and their carers when placement is at risk of breaking down.

  • Together or apart assessments.

  • Objective assessments of parental capacity, risk factors and risk of harm.

  • Assessments of the factors contributing to parenting difficulties including adult mental health and cognitive functioning.

  • Attachment based parenting assessments.


“Becoming is better than being”.